One of the things SAFE most needs help with is locating places who will take our donations. We need to find more places that we can donate to so we can help more children! If you are interested in helping SAFE in this way, please click the link below to find out more!
A great way to help SAFE is by hosting a SAFE drive! This is a one-time event where you collect donations, clean the donations, and then find a place to donate these items. If you would be interested in hosting a drive, please visit our Drives page of the website by clicking the button below!
If you would be interested in helping SAFE year round, and not as a one-time event, we would love you to join us! Please click the button below to learn more about what is involved in opening a chapter!
Download all the documents below and then move on to number 2!
If you are needing to document your time spent helping SAFE, please download and keep track of your time on the SAFE Community Service Log below.
Use the document, 'Possible Donation Locations 2017' to give you ideas of places to contact in your town.
Use the document, 'Sample Script or Email 2017' to either call or email the places you find.
Use the 'SAFE List 2017' form to record your results. Please record all the places you contacted, even if they do not accept the items we offer to donate.
Please email your completed SAFE List to
Also, if you are documenting your service hours through the community service log, please email that as well and we will sign it and return it to you.
Please let us know how you did by filling out the survey below.
Thank you so much for helping SAFE!
Download the items below which give you a much better idea of what is involved in opening a chapter and whether it would be right for you.
If you are interested in accumulating service hours, please download and keep track of your service hours working with SAFE. You can email at any time and we can sign the document and email it back to you to approve it.
The first requirement for opening a chapter is to host a SAFE drive. Having a SAFE drive is a great way to see what opening a chapter would be like but it would be a one-time event. This will allow you to see if this is something you would like to do year round. Please visit our drives page by clicking the link below and follow the instructions listed.
Once you have read through all the downloads, agree to our requirements, and you have completed your SAFE drive, please let us know by clicking the link below and we can get you started!
Thank you so much for wanting to be a part of SAFE!
Stuffed Animals For Emergencies is recognized as an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID#45-5062724.